Request a late menu change

If you forgot to update your menu, you can text your Elf to see if they're ok with a late menu change. 


If your Elf says YES:

  • They'll unlock your menu for 60 minutes.
  • You'll receive a text with a link.
  • From your appointment page, you can update your menu. 👍

If your Elf says NO

  • you can keep your menu as is or
  • from your appointment page, cancel your appointment (you'll get a full refund, minus your $35 deposit).


  • Some Elves pack their staples and supplies right at 5pm, so late menu changes can result in 30+ minutes of extra prep. If they say no, please be understanding.
  • If you don't get a text back from them right away, just hang tight. Elves are magical, but they also go out to movies and sleep during the night. 😀

Next steps

Go to your appointment page.
Under "Your Order," click "start your request."
You'll receive a text. Reply to your Elf and ask if a late menu change is ok. 
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