Cancellation policy
Our cancellation policy is a fair balance for both customers and Elves.
How to cancel
Cancel a single spot
From your schedule, navigate to your appointment page and click the green > button.
From your appointment page, click the cancel link on the top of your page.
💡 After canceling, you can reschedule to transfer your menu.
Cancel a weekly spot (all appointments)
From your schedule, click the green x button.
All of your single appointments on this day and time will get canceled. New appointments will no longer get automatically added.
If you cancel
Give your chef advance notice when canceling so they have a chance to get rebooked.
Before 5pm, 3 days prior | After 5pm, 3 days prior |
Full refund | Loss of $35 deposit |
Ex: For Monday's spot, canceled on Thursday | Ex. For Monday's spot, canceled on Saturday |
- You'll always see cancellation terms on your appointment page.
- If you book and cancel within 4 hours, you'll receive a full refund.
- If you cancel after your Elf leaves the grocery store (e.g. an hour before your start time), you may lose all of your appointment cost.
If your Elf cancels
In rare cases that your chef has to cancel (e.g., they're sick), you'll get a Dinner Elf credit as a small apology.
After 4pm, the day prior | After 7 days prior |
$25 credit |
$10 credit |
Ex: For Monday's spot, canceled at 6 |
Ex: For Monday's spot, canceled the Friday prior |
- If your chef tests positive for Covid, you won't receive a credit.
- If roads are dangerous (e.g., ice, flooding), your chef may ask to reschedule. If this option doesn't work, they can cancel with no credit to you. We're still working on weather-immune transportation...
Rebooking preference
Update your rebooking preference from any appointment page in the rare case that your chef cancels.
- Rebook me - We'll try to rebook you within a day of your canceled spot (cancel w/ no fee)
- Remind me - You'll get a text/email reminder to rebook yourself
- Do nothing - You can rebook yourself by visiting the website
Our goal is to minimize gaps in your schedule and make rebooking easy.
- You'll get rebooked immediately unless we don't have availability or your date is 7+ days away.
- If your date is 7+ days away, you'll get rebooked 7 days prior.
- If we rebook you, your menu will transfer, and you can cancel for no fee (full refund).
- Your rebooked spot may be with a different chef (all our chefs are magical 😀).
💡 Only want your favorite chef cooking for you? Pick "Remind me" or "Do nothing" from your profile page. Otherwise, stick with "Rebook me".
Q: Can I reschedule instead of canceling so I don't lose my deposit?
A: No. From an Elf's perspective, rescheduling is the same as canceling, as they may not get rebooked in their original spot.